Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"
In the one-shot film "Agent Carter" by Marvel Studios, the usage of film elements in this clip is throughout the entire clip. In addition, the clip's music to the light and camera angles and the customized scenery enhances the hook and shows much technique in this clip. Even though the clip is only about 5 minutes, it sets up the scenes and expectations for what will happen in the rest of the film.
At the beginning of the film, the marvel introduction where the comics are vertically transitioning down creates the feeling of simultaneity, which makes you excited that this is a Marvel film and gets you prepared for the ongoing content. However, during that introduction, there is also an off-screen sound from a scene that would then transition to that sound between Peggy and Steve talking to each other as Steve is about to crash an aircraft about to die. So that setting contrasts because you are prepared and motivated to watch the movie, but then you go to a sad and emotional scene where one of its characters is about to die. We can also hear the quivers in Peggy's voice as Steve cuts off, and she cannot listen to him again. The camera angle is in the close shot when you see the characters, but before Steve is cut off, the camera goes to a booming shot/follow shot where the camera is following the airplane diving down to its despair and the camera angle that is being used within the rest of the scenes is medium shots, close shots, reaction shots, and long shots, and two-shot. There is a long shot scene where the city of New York is displayed for some frames and then transitions from that space into the tight office space where Peggy is working. There is music that is within the scene and that is supporting the emotions of the scene which is unfair and distrusting. After that though, nearing the scene would be synchronous sounds that match up with the fighting and the steps and walks. There are also some cutaways as Peggy mysteriously disappears and gets the boss within her reach.
In conclusion, the total lighting of the clip is three-point, and that the space that is used mixes between off-screen, shallow space, and deep space. The costume that is being used matches up with the decade of the movie, which seems like what you would dress a few decades back. Steve's custom costume also seems out of place due to how heroic it looks within a normal society. Additionally, the staging and acting match the period; however, there is also acting, such as the fighting, which is staged and specialized (performance style). There is also occasionally blacking where the character is assumed orders of importance, such as the end of the scene where the boss tells the other two what to do to stop Peggy. Overall, the mise-en-scene seems to be packed, along the clip seems to be phenomenally successful in giving the viewers an exciting hook to introduce the rest of what will happen.
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